2 留学生は国際センター、外国語教育センター、ジャパンプラザ、ワールドプラザなどをよく利用します。それらはすべてR棟という建物に入っています。どこにあるか探してください。
(International students often come to Center for International Affairs, Foreign Language Education Center, Japan Plaza, World Plaza, and Multi-Cultural Exchange Lounge. They are all housed in R Buidling. Try find them on the map.)
3 グーグルマップのストリートビューを使って、キャンパスの周りを回ってみてください。
(Using Google Stree View, walk around campus.)

(This is the virtual tour of R Buidling. Walk inside to find Center for International Affairs, Foreign Language Education Center, Japan Plaza, World Plaza, and Multi-Cultural Exchange Loung.)

(This is a virtual tour of Janssen Internation Residence. Find lounges, resident room, kitchen, toilet, shower room, and laundry room.)
(A password is required to view this. Please contact the administrator.)

(Former and current international students posted their favorite places.)
Colors: Black (historical places) Green (tourist attractions) Orange (restaurants and cafes) Purple (stores)

問い合わせ:パデュー大学 言語・文化学科 畑佐一味
Contact: Kazumi Hatasa, School of Languages and Cultures
Purdue University