Literature/Movie project (文学/映画プロジェクト)
These projects are attempts to use ARIS in literature and films. Two examples "Black Rain" and "Bushido: The Soul of Japan" are introduced.
The third example is a documentary film of the Great Earthquake and Tsunami of Eastern Japan in 2011. The documentary is a series of interviews after the disaster and it was filmed in Rikuzentakata, Iwate. The non-linear version of the film was created for ARIS. A player specifies a location in the film to watch the corresponding part of the film.
1 Black Rain by Ibuse (黒い雨 井伏鱒二)
Game title: 井伏鱒二「黒い雨」新版
This game was developed as a preparatory activity before reading the novel. The game makes the reader geographically aware by taking his/her to relevant locations in the story. Black Rain is a story of a hibakusya (a-bomb survivor) in Hiroshima. The game introduces students to key locations in the story. Animated text with audio recording was uploaded on YouTube so that students can read and listen to excerpt from the story.
Screen shots from Black Rain
2 A story of "Bushido: The Soul of Japan" by Nitobe(新渡戸稲造の「武士道」ができるまで)
Game title: 武士道 新渡戸稲造
Through this game, students will be introduced to the path that Nitobe went through prior to writing "Bushido: The Soul of Japan." Nitobe moved from Japan to US and back to Japan before he authored the book. Students can trace his journey in the ARIS environment. The game was used to prepare students for reading essays about Bushido.
Screen shots of Bushido: The Sould of Japan
3 Watching "Resilience: Protecting Today" in ARIS.
「きょうを守る」をARISアプリを使って観るGame title: Resilience: Protecting Today
The documentary film "Resilience: Protecting Today" is consiste of a series of interviews with suvivors of Great Earthquate and Tsunami of Eastern Japan in 2011. Interviews were conducted in Rikuzentakata, Iwate of Japan. The film was spliced into mutple segments and uploaded on YouTube. Plaques to play those segments were generated and placed at appropriate locations in the city of Rikuzentakata. Students make virtual visits to Rikuzentakata to learn about the disaster while watching the documentary. More recent information about the locations can be added.